Sunday, November 15, 2015

Life, Death, Tragedy, Remembering, and Moving On

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about this, saying what you really want to say to people. I lost a classmate of mine recently, one who I started massage school with, and we had her memorial at school Friday night. I came home after 10 to find out about Paris and have since learned of other tragedies.

Even before this weekend, I've been thinking about telling people things. A couple of friends of mine have recently started a social experiment to send packages to each other. Me? Packages are great; but I want to do letters. Part of me has this great idea to give some of them out at faire but then part of me doesn't want to wait that long though I have the perfect scenario and themes for days as I hand them out.

I remember this song from many years ago that has a line that's always stuck with me: if there's someone that should know, then just let your feelings show. Ironically it was from a movie based a French novel.

I challenge you over the next few days, weeks, and months to go out and just talk with people truthfully and honestly. Tell them how you feel. Even if it's a letter, it's a start. I know this isn't always going to happen for various reasons. I know that sometimes the other person needs to make better life choices and changes. And it's always hard to tell someone you have a crush on them and sometimes you can't for reasons of a significant other and they aren't polyamorous. But whatever. Just go and talk. Even just tell people you like/love/whatever them in a friend/platonic/whatever way. Enjoy each other's company. Live. Laugh. Hug.

Sometimes, as I think of the letters I plan on writing, I also think of the gossip that will inevitably happen. Because gossip happens. But, you know what, who cares? I'll do it anyway because I don't want to have that moment of not going out and having that possibility of something good happening. Even if it doesn't turn out how you want, at least you tried right?

Be a positive change in the world. Let your feelings show. Love in your fashion.