Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Year, New Calendar

One of the great things about a new year is filling out a new calendar. I love adding all the things in- work, faire, activities, etc. 

Another great thing about a new calendar is how it can help you achieve goals you have for the year (see previous post about goals). 

One of my goals, for example, is to dance more. There are several local swing dance groups and one studio that I've visited. In my calendar, I've added events for Dallas Swing Dance Syndicate and Studio 22 so that I don't have to wonder when events are happening. 

This can be done for anything from quitting bad habits to starting new ones. Need to read everyday? Great! Put it down on your calendar. New to eat healthy? Great! Add recipes or shopping trips. 

It's amazing to look ahead and be ready to meet my goals. I know I can't do everything, but knowing I can try and get closer keeps me excited!

New Year, New Goals

Another new year has begun. A new time to go, do, try, change, and more.

We all make goals or resolutions through the year- "I'll start that new diet plan on Monday," "I'll join that new gym at the beginning of the month," etc. But, somehow, we seem to all do it together- or not in some cases- when the new year starts.


Maybe it's a tabula rosa- a clean slate. It's not just another Monday or start of a new month. It's a start of a whole new thing. It's full of hope and wonder. The old year is a cocoon that we've thrown off and shed in favour of something new and exciting. There are so many possibilities. There are 565,00 minutes of new, amazing, and wonderful.

What are your goals for the year? I prefer to say goals because resolutions are just so- resolute. I end up wanting to quote Nicolas Cage movies or something. Goals have an end. Goals have steps and ways to get from point A to point B and all the way to point Z and further. Just saying something like "I'm going to quit smoking" or "I'm going to lose weight" don't have as much clout as saying "I'm going to cut down to x number of cigarettes or packs a day by the end of January" or "I'm going to lose 5 pounds by Valentine's Day and going to join Weight Watchers."

Some of my goals include:
More crafting
Learn more crochet techniques
Learn more knitting techniques
Dance more
Find a new place to live by July
Find a new job that includes less late nights and weekends
Find a new job that allows me to live on my own
Declutter (Gilmore Girls fans can laugh about Marie Kondo with me right here)
Read 30 books (I'm going the Goodreads Challenge)
Go on at least 1 date
Finish at least 12 seasons of ER
Finish at least 12 seasons of CSI
Finish Classic Who
Get caught up on podcasts
Give Gilmore Guys another try

So, that's about it that I have for right now. I'll probably add more, though this will keep me pretty busy. I know watching TV is a little crazy, but I'm kind of a TV person and want to catch up on a few shows that have long since ended. Watching roughly a season a month is about an episode a day or watching several at one time.