Saturday, December 31, 2016

Come Dancing

I was sitting at a stop light, listening to an old Wham! song, and I smiled as I remembered the lines from the Kinks song Come Dancing:

The day they tore down the palais
I cried and I cried
The day they tore down the palais
Part of my childhood died.

That's when it hit me: with the celebrity deaths of this year, part of my childhood died. It could probably be said for many of us too. I grew up never knowing a world without Star Wars- the first of which was released three years before I was born. I can't even see a Star Wars movie these days without Reese's pieces because of childhood memories.

I was 11 when Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves came out and I've been watching Alan Rickman ever since. I can't even watch or read the end of Harry Potter without feeling a little sad.

I always know Vanilla Ice stole that riff from Under Pressure and Major Tom is part of the reason I don't want to be an astronaut.

The list could go on. Even with some deaths almost expected- Gene Wilder was in his 80's- it's still a little hard in a way. Yes, deaths of friends and family and other people are harder to take, it comes back to part of our childhood that's gone. When you're going through tough times you can, as Meatloaf said, put on the phones and let the drummer tell your heart what to do. You put on a song and dance. You enter a world of pure imagination.

In the end, we are all nothing more than stories. Let 2016 end and 2017 begin. And let's make the next set of stories good. Share the movies and music with friends and family and children, because oh were there so many children born this year. Let your childhood be part of theirs. Let the stories and good times go on.

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year, New Post

2015 was an alright year for me.

2016 has thus far been interesting.

I went to visit family over New Year's and came back Sunday. Just as I was trying to leave, I couldn't start my car due to a dead battery. It got replaced and I left later than intended which led to getting home and to bed way later than needed, which is hard due to highly early mornings.

Got to work this morning and all of the temps- there's six- got called into a meeting with our supervisor. Turns out, January is a slow month. But, instead of having to let people go, he worked with his supervisors to let us stay on a reduced schedule. He divided us into two groups of three each and each group works a 20 hour week. I get the Monday-Wednesday group which I like.

There is good and bad to this of course. I don't get as many hours, so my paycheck is low. However, I still have a job and in February we're supposed to go back to 40 hour weeks. This also gives me extra time to work on my internship. I've been wanting to get ahead and get as close to 90-100 hours before faire workshops start and that's over 40 hours to go. So, I'll be putting in a few more hours for the time being on certain days. And I'll still have some days of downtime to get other things done and Netflix it up. I'm trying to get through a few shows.

I know money will be tight for a bit. But, I'm still getting a paycheck and that's pretty nifty. And I'll be getting a little bit closer to finishing my internship. It will still be awhile before taking my tests- it's $200 for just the licensing one- but that's okay too.

I'm just happy things are trucking on along. I might stress out. But, I'm now where I can sleep some, get other things done, and have some down time. It's all good.