Saturday, December 29, 2018

Butterfly Effect

Time has moved weird this year and I don't know why. 

It hasn't changed. It hasn't moved faster or slower. It's held the same 525,600 minutes most years hold. 

Yet, somehow, this year has felt different. 

It's gone fast, yet slow. It doesn't seem like both Black Panther and the Winter Olympics happened back in February. They seem like events of years past and not 2018. 

Has it been drama of local and national levels? Has it been the confusion of media of all sorts? Has it been all of us just trying to hold on in a world spiraling towards a dystopian novel we really don't want to live in?

I don't have the answers. 

But, I have song lyrics. It feels like the 'winds of change' from the song "Gorky Park." I feel something changing, blowing in the wind. I can feel it coming in the air tonight. 

Alright, I know, cheesy. But it's true. I've started humming old song from the 90's again and feeling like I did back then. Maybe I'm going towards what I want to be; what I've always supposed to become. Maybe you are too. 

We're all caterpillars. 

We've been in our cocoons. 

We're about to emerge. 

In 2019, we become butterflies fluttering by, effecting everything. 

In 2019, we strive, we fight, we become. 

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Happy 2018!

Here we are at the start of another new year. New resolutions. New beginnings. Same old us.

My goals for this year are simple:

And that's kind of it. My plan on downsizing is to not just do the regular bits of getting rid of stuff. But, I also want to do other things.

For starters, go through my books. I have tons of them. I was an English Literature major back in undergrad so I know books. My goal with them is to read and/or get rid of the ones I don't want. I'd love to get to just the books I want to keep. I'm hoping to get very little this year. Most likely, I'd get books in various series that I'm reading.

Next is crafts. I have tons of yarn and crafty materials plus loads of books. For this, I plan to create from what I have and spend as little as possible. Obviously, I may need to get things off and on throughout the  year and that's fine. I'm also giving away yarn to various people for projects they have. Usually, this is single skeins that cam from somewhere and I probably wouldn't be able to find anymore. So off they go to be used by someone who isn't me. See more over at my Lonestar Girl Craft blog.

Then there's everything else. Clothes mostly and small stuff. I plan to go through and get rid of things that don't fit or I don't want.

I'm trying to make small steps. My deadline is when the current lease is up. Does that mean I'm moving? No. Just a good deadline between life, faire, and everything else. Plus, it's a full nine months and at my birthday. So just general good goals.

I'm sure I'll figure out more. But I'll do that later.