Saturday, August 12, 2017

Another Suitcase in Another Hall

Yesterday I lost my job. Yes, there are reasons, but they're neither here nor there; just know it happened. I'm moving on. I don't know how this will effect future things; I'll just have to see.

I should get one more paycheck on Tuesday. I'll pay a bill or two and get my oil changed. I'll probably buy some Dr Pepper cause- Dr Pepper.

I have options. I've thought about various different things before yesterday and lots more since. as well as being given options from other. I just need a couple of days to sort through emotions. Then, I'll sit down and start going through all the other things- applications, excel spreadsheets, all the choices and option, etc. and figure out what to do next. Over the past few months, I've been given to what/if/then thoughts. If I had the time/availability/money/whatever, could/would I be able to do certain things? Guess I do now.

But tonight, I'm going to chill. Later, I'll turn off the lights and stare at the glow in the dark stuff on the ceiling and listen to the 1976 Broadway Evita- the one with Mandy Patikin as Che. That musical always gets me through times like these.

Call in three months time and I'll be fine, I know
Well maybe not that fine, but I'll survive anyhow
I won't recall the names and places of each sad occasion
But that's no consolation here and now.

So what happens now?
Another suitcase in another hall
So what happens now?
Take your picture off another wall
So what happens now?
You'll get by you always have before
Where am I going to?....
Don't ask any more. 

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